The ultimate all-in-one marketing glossary

XML Product Feed

An .xml file that has all the information about your products in it. It can be used to tell shopping channels about your products.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a list of all your web pages, organized so Google can easily find your most important pages. Google Search Console lets you submit it to speed up indexing.


A company that offers many web services, including a web portal, a search engine, an email service, and many others.


Your Money, Your Life is an acronym and SEO term for topics that could affect a person’s future health, finances, safety, or happiness.


A very useful SEO plugin for WordPress sites that helps owners improve their sites for search engines.


YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. It is a website that has videos about everything from DIY tutorials to movie trailers. People of all ages use it, and it has given rise to many stars all over the world.